Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Plans Changing

Well, as I read once, "expect things to change so that they can." At the time I remember underlining this phrase over and over again excitedly, thinking, 'oh man, that is SO true in my life'.

So there have been a few changes. To put it simply, we will be cutting Italy out of the trip, and coming home on the 6th of August. This is extraordinarily disappointing to both Josie and I, but good in other ways. In the new plan, my whole time in London and Northern Ireland will stay the same, and we'll still be going to the Folwer's place on the Inishowen Peninsula of Ireland, maybe only for 2 or 2 and a half weeks now. We'll still see the greatness of Ireland such as Cork, Galloway and Dublin. From Dublin we'll fly to Paris, take the trains to Switzerland, see Zurich, Bern and stay with the friends in the Alps for a few days. Then we'll travel back through France, seeing Nice and Provance, perhaps Brittany (since we'll have a little extra cash by cutting off a month of travel) and fly out of London of the 6th of August.


In other news...packing right now. Got some lightweight, nice work pants for the farm. Firmed up my plans with at least one important person in Norther Ireland. Only two days left at American Girl Bistro (THANK GOD) and plenty of sudden interest in all the tourism books laying on the floor of my room has overcome me. I will have only 1 backpack to live out of for nearly 2 months, and it looks like I will actually start off with extra room!

6 days, well 5 days really, and counting till take-off...

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